Liberation Frequently Asked Questions

What is Liberation?

Liberation is a dynamic campaign generator originally created by shdwp, then partially rewritten by Khopa and now maintained and upgraded by a whole host of contributors which you can follow on their github page.

In the context of TDCS, we use Liberation to run various events in which you will take part in the dynamic campaigns run by different members of the events team, with your progress in each mission having a lasting impact on the campaign and thus the next missions.

What do I need to join Liberation?

Hard requirements:

  • Most recent DCS OpenBeta update
  • Simple Radio Standalone installed
  • Positive vibes

Soft requirements:

The specific requirements of each event depends on what the event runner wants, but as a general rule the Liberation missions run at TDCS expect a reasonable degree of competence in your airframe, as the missions are created in a way that each flight may rely on other flights doing their job correctly in order to do their own job. These missions are generally also reliant on communication and coordination, so you should have SRS installed and know how to use it for at least basic communications such as check-ins, BRAA calls and simple ATC interactions.

You don’t have to be an expert though. Generally if you’re newer and not so confident on the radios, start by being a wingman and just let the flight lead do most of the talking, while you need to focus mostly on just giving information to your flight lead that might be important to your mission. If you’re a little bit more used to communication in DCS, consider signing up as a flight lead, where you’ll need to communicate more actively with the GCI and ATC on behalf of your flight. Don’t be afraid to give flight lead a try if you want to get some practice.

Am I allowed to respawn if I die?

Generally, yes. If this is not the case then the mission runner will tell you. However, just because you can respawn if you die, doesn’t mean you should throw caution to the wind and burn through lives to get the job done. In Liberation every airframe that is destroyed costs money and time to replace, and if you lose too many airframes in short order, you may not have any left to fly the next mission with! So value your life in the Liberation missions, but don’t think you need to disconnect and leave the event if you die.

Can I fly X aircraft in the Liberation mission?

The airframes that will be available in the Liberation missions will be listed in the event sign up channel for that event, and this is usually fixed and won’t change throughout the campaign.

How long do the Liberation missions last?

This should be posted by the event runner in the sign-up channel but as a rule of thumb allow at least 2 hours, usually 3 for the mission.